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Top 10 Day Care Centres in Alberton

Meyersdal, Alberton
Premium Child Day Care Services For Children Aged 3-months to 6-Years Of Age. Baby Toddles Infant Care is an upmarket 5-star baby care centre. Situated in the beautiful neighborhood of Meyersdal, it’s situated close to the R59 highway, making ...show more
16 reviews
by Connie, 084****227
I'm a Granny but I must say my grandson goes in the morning happy comes back happy,the best service from the Security at the gate superb service,and staff You doing a Good Job May God bless those hands give you strength and keep on Protecti...
Randhart, Alberton
The Exploratorium Nursery School. At The Exploratorium Nursery School our mission is to provide a quality, comprehensive early childhood environment for nurturing and facilitating the growth and development of young explorers. At The Expl ...show more
1 review
by Charlene, 072****572
Over the past two years we have gained a second family and I have gained a friend with amazing insight into the psychology of children. I want to thank you for your patience with us when we hit stumbling blocks and your love and assistance ...
Verwoerdpark, Alberton
There has been a great deal of constructive development within our schools and we continue to move forward in our educational thinking to provide the best possible provision for our children. As a family, we have long history and broad exper ...show more
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New Redruth, Alberton
Ons is 'n klein dagsorg waar liefde en aandag 1ste kom. Ons bied die volgende aan: Dagprogram, Ontbyt en Middag ete, 2x peuselhappies deur die dag, buite muurse aktiwiteite en nog vele meer pret... Ons is hier om na elke kindjie se behoeftes ...show more
11 reviews
by Liana, 081****655
excellent service..caring loving teachers. Highly reccomended school
New Redruth, Alberton
A Home away from Home. As a Christian based pre - school, we empower our learners with the following values: – Respect – Courage – Integrity – Innovation – Diversity We believe in learning through play. Being a child is the most FA ...show more
1 review
by Shannon, 084****700
Kinder College is an amazing school, the standards remain high all the while allowing the children to play and still be children!
Newmarket, Alberton
We strive to help children reach their full, God-given potential. Treasure Tots offers a solid Christian Education in conjunction with you, the parent. We believe that the parent is the primary care-giver and teacher. As such we appreciate t ...show more
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Meyersdal, Alberton
1 review
by Chantelle, 064****827
Absolutely incredible service from Anke Boshoff at Credit Smart. Excellent
by Cindi, 074****489
My nephew Jarred Frame attended ting a ling many years ago. He was happy and full of beans. Teachers looked after him well and understood the situation of his father passing on and mother unable to care for him at the time. Thank you for al...
Verwoerdpark, Alberton
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  • Request for Day care Centres. The day care must be inside town,it must be a multiracial daycare
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