May 19, 2017 by Snupit

Exercise is the key to a healthy lifestyle. It rids your body of toxins and keeps your muscles intact. Finding exercise which is safe for almost anyone can be a challenge. Your age or physical wellbeing may prevent you from doing strenuous exercise. Luckily yoga is a safe option for any age group to try out.

1.    Yoga is simple

Yoga is ideal for young and old because even children can follow the instructions. A skilled yoga facilitator describes yoga positions in enough detail so you know exactly where to place your limbs and which muscles to focus on. This makes it an excellent family activity.

2.    There are different types of yoga

Different yoga forms cater for a variety of purposes. Yoga can be done for relaxation or intense exercise. These forms include:

-    Hatha
-    Vinyasa
-    Power
-    Ashtanga
-    Bikram
-    Iyengar

Your age and health requirements will determine which form is best. Your yoga instructor can advise you on which classes to join.

3.    You don’t have to be fit before you start

Because all yoga forms don’t result in over exertion or muscle strain, you don’t have to be fit before you join your first yoga class. It’s safe for children and the elderly to enjoy some exercise or prepare for another sport. Search for a yoga instructor on an online hub which offers classes that meet your unique requirements.

4.    You don’t have to be healthy to do yoga

If you’re recovering from an illness or injury, yoga is a safe exercise method. It can improve your fitness level while giving your body time to heal. After you’ve mastered positions, strengthened muscles and developed lung capacity, you can move on to more strenuous exercise routines.

5.    Yoga strengthens instead of injures

The danger of many sports and exercise routines is the effect it has on your body. Children can hurt undeveloped spines by placing too much pressure on their bodies. Elderly people can damage muscles when lifting weights or develop cardiovascular problems when the heart is put under too much pressure.

Yoga offers you an ideal exercise routine because its easier forms has the following benefits:

-    Your muscles become stronger without too much strain
-    Yoga poses improve joint movement
-    Yoga poses strengthen your spine
-    Yoga initiates a healthy blood flow system throughout your body, a healthy heart rate and it lowers blood pressure
These benefits are enough reason to search for a yoga class today, no matter your age.


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