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Top results for Technical Colleges in Boksburg

Bardene, Boksburg
There is no better place to Start or Enhance your career in Beauty than at the Best Beauty Academy!. The Beauty and Laser Academy is very proud to introduce our 18 month Beauty, Nails, Laser and Business Training program to you! If you are ...show more
3 reviews
by genny, 061****155
This is just the best place I have ever been, friendly staff and great school.
Boksburg East, Boksburg
SETA Accredited Courses and Training Centre. Manhattan Computer Solutions is a IT company that has been trading since 1997 we offer support and supply hardware and software to various companies. In 2014 we decided to expand and offer computer ...show more
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East Rand, Boksburg
Practical Training. TRUXTRACT TRAINING CENTRE IN JOHANNESBURG GAUTENG, SOUTH AFRICA (REG NO; 2014/192620/07) LIFTING MACHINES; Fort lift; 5 days training Reach Truck; 5 days training Mobile Crane; 10 days Truck Mounted Crane; 10 days ...show more
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Atlasville, Boksburg
training provided for the following: satellite tv, electronics and appliance repairs. training fields in satellite tv, installations, signal finding,fault finding,wiring. " " " : gate and garage door automati ...show more
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Anderbolt, Boksburg
NIDOTH Consulting Company and NIMET College. ...show more
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Quote requests posted by other customers for technical colleges

  • Request for Technical Colleges. I need a course for First aid
  • Request for Technical Colleges I'm looking for a learning center for a Grade 11 student.
  • Request for Technical Colleges. Colleges which offer grade 8 and 9
  • Request for Technical Colleges. I want a public college
  • Request for Technical Colleges. Looking for a male completed grade 10 to go to trade school
  • Request for Technical Colleges. I'm looking for a Technical college for business administration course
  • Request for Technical Colleges. Welding lessons for a disabled person
  • Request for Technical Colleges. I need help with my 10 year old son. He doesn't seem to do well in normal school. He is good with his hands , i...
  • Request for Technical Colleges. I need a technical school
  • Request for Technical Colleges. I need a technical college for my son who is doing grade 10 and he is turning 18years next year.