
How to paint your roof

Painting your roof is an important part of maintaining your home. Storms, the sun, general debris, and age can cause damage to your roof so regular inspections and maintenance is important. Painting your roof every few years will help to protect it from these harsh elements. Plus, painting your roof properly the first time around will save you time and effort in the long run. 

It may be a good idea to hire a painter to paint your roof, a licensed painter will be able to provide an inspection of your roof. Also, when painting your roof there are dangers posed by height, ladders and balancing that an experienced painter will manage more easily. But if you’re ready to have at it yourself, follow these steps.

1. Inspect your roof 

The first thing you must do before considering painting your roof is to inspect the structure of the roof. Whether you’re painting your roof to protect from sun damage, revamping the look of your home, or doing it for maintenance purposes you should inspect whether your roof is sound. Painting over sections that need repair will be a waste of time and money in the long run.

2. Organise safety measures

Place ladders in safe, secure areas on level ground. Get familiar with the areas of your roof; tricky angles, hard to reach places and the parameter in general. This will help you navigate these areas and keep you from falling off!

3. Consider the time of year

If you decide to paint in summer, depending on where you live in South Africa, there may be challenges with afternoon rainstorms and extreme heat. Winter may cause excessive debris in your gutters or even snow! So, consider when depending on your location, would be best to paint your roof. 

4. Choose the time of day 

If you have chosen to paint in summer, think about getting the work done in the early morning or late afternoon to avoid the peak of the summer heat. And even in winter, South African rooves can still be pretty warm, so don’t expect to paint much around noon to 2 pm.

5. Clean your roof

Once you’ve set your safety measures, clean your roof and gutters to prepare for the paint. It may be a good idea to use a pressure washer to remove all the grime and moss build up from the roof relatively easily.  

6. Get the right paintbrushes

Not all paint brushes are good for painting the rough surfaces of your roof. Make sure to buy hardy brushes. A top tip may be to consider using a broom! Using your broom as a brush will speed up the process of painting your roof. A broom is intuitive to use, easily gets into grooves, and is broad, speeding up your painting process. Another easy option is to spray your roof rather than paint it with a brush, but this may require specialised equipment.

7. Apply your primer 

If you’re painting a tiled roof, apply a coat of primer and leave to dry. If you have a metal roof, use metal primer. This will help the new paint stick to the roof. Depending on the paint you’re using, there may be the need for specific base coats or different directions to prepare for the paint – so read the instructions on the paint tin or ask for advice from your hardware store.

8. Paint your roof

Once the primer has dried, apply two thick coats of roof paint to your roof in the colour of your choice. Let your paint dry completely in between coats. 

9. Apply your sealant 

This step is not necessary for all paint types. Adding a glaze or a sealant may protect your roof for longer or give you the finish that you desire. Read your paint instructions or ask someone at the paint store.

Have you decided to paint your own roof, or do you think a professional painter may be a better option? Painting your roof with a broom, on a mild winter day, with some cold beers waiting at the bottom, may be a fun and active way to spend your Saturday. But if this sounds like too much hard work, there’s sure to be a reputable painter in your area. 

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