
How to control pests in your garden

Pests such as aphids, mites and beetles can cause havoc in your garden, but conventional pesticides are toxic to people and pets, and can permanently damage your garden ecosystem. Did you know that you can keep garden pests away using safe (and cheap) alternatives that you may already have in your cupboard? Here’s how you can turn vegetable oil and castile soap into a spray that will stop pests from harming your plants.

You’ll need:

• Vegetable oil (sunflower, canola, soybean, corn, olive or peanut oil will work just fine)
• Castile soap (any brand, or use a mild dishwashing detergent as an alternative)
• A tablespoon measure
• A teaspoon measure
• A cup measure
• A glass jar (300 ml or bigger)
• A spray bottle
• A funnel
• A measuring jug (one litre or bigger)
• A long spoon
• Warm water

1. Find or buy the ingredients

First, let’s make sure you have all the ingredients you need (listed above). You may already have them in your cupboard, or you may need to pay a visit to a grocery store or pharmacy, or buy them online.

2. Prepare your workspace

Once your products are sourced and ready, clean a surface in your kitchen big enough to work on comfortably. Grab your ingredients and tools, and let’s get started. 

3. Measure out the vegetable oil

Start by measuring the vegetable oil. Open the bottle of oil and get the cup measure ready. Also open the glass jar and make sure it is within your reach. Carefully pour the oil into the cup until it reaches the top of the cup. Then tip the oil into the glass jar.

4. Add the soap

Now, let’s add the castile soap (or mild dishwashing detergent, if that’s what you’re using instead). Make sure the jar of oil is open and within your reach. Carefully pour the castile soap into the tablespoon measure until it reaches the surface, then tip the tablespoon of soap into the jar to join the oil.

5. Close the jar and store it somewhere safe

If you are not quite ready to spray your plants, you can keep the oil and soap mixture in the jar, ready to be used later. Close the lid tightly. Then label the jar so that you know what’s inside it, and store it somewhere safe that’s out of reach of children and pets.

6. Find plants that need to be sprayed

The oil and soap spray will work to kill pesky soft-bodied insects like aphids, mites and bugs that are damaging your plants. When you see any signs of these insects on your plants, it’s time to get your spray ready. Note that this spray is safe to use on fruits and vegetables, so also check your vegetable garden for any plants that need to be sprayed.

7. Prepare the rest of your equipment

Now it’s time to make your final spray mixture from our oil and soap “concentrate”. Find a clean surface and gather all the equipment you’ll need – your jar of oil and soap, a teaspoon measure, a one-litre (or bigger) measuring jug, a spray bottle, a funnel and a long spoon. 

8. Add the oil and soap mixture to the litre of water

Make sure the jar is properly sealed and then shake it to make sure that its contents are mixed thoroughly. Now open the jar and use the teaspoon measure to carefully add two teaspoons of the oil-soap mix into the litre of water. Then stir the mixture carefully with the long spoon until it is mixed thoroughly. 

9. Transfer the mixture to the spray bottle

You’re now ready to transfer the mixture into the spray bottle, so that it can be used on your garden. Open the spray bottle and put the funnel into its opening. Make sure that the funnel and bottle are stable (you may need someone to help you with this step) and then carefully pour the water, soap and oil mixture from the jug into the spray bottle. Remove the funnel and close the spray bottle’s lid.

10. Spray your plants 

The best time to spray your plants is in the early morning or evening, when it’s cool and the spray won’t evaporate quickly. Get your spray bottle and find the plants that need to be sprayed. Spray the plants thoroughly, making sure that all the surfaces are wet, but not dripping. 

You’ll probably need to respray every week. But keep an eye on your plants and aim to spray a bit more often if you start to see any insects or insect damage reappearing on the plants. When you’re ready to spray again, you can mix up a new batch in your spray bottle using the oil-and-soap mixture you have stored in your cupboard – easy-peasy! Now you know how to protect your plants using some common household items! Time to sit back and enjoy your healthy garden.

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