
How to keep your car pest free

Cars are pretty good places for bugs to take shelter. The engine keeps the space nice and warm, and if you’re not good about cleaning rubbish out your car, the bugs are more likely to stay because you’re providing them with a source of food as well as heat. If you suspect you might have bugs in your car, you don’t want it to turn into an infestation. Here are a few steps you can take to give your car a proper clean and keep those bugs out.

1. Throw away the trash

There are tons of nooks and crannies in a car for insects to hide and lay eggs, and any trash that might be laying around only offers them more shelter and possibly food. Grab a bag and throw away all the rubbish you’ve collected in your car.

2. Remove any loose bits

Remove anything that isn’t fastened down inside your car. This includes floor mats and removable upholstery, as well as all the odd bits you might store in your cup holders and the cubbyhole. 

3. Vacuum 

Using the highest setting on your vacuum, go over the entire inside of the car. Vacuum the seats, the floors, the boot and the cup holders. Move the seats back and forth to make sure you get in everywhere. You want to suck up any eggs, bugs that are alive and dead, and any faeces they may have left behind.

4. Wash the exterior of your car

Fill a bucket with some lukewarm water and soap and give the exterior of your car a wash or take it to the car wash. Make sure to wash the wheel wells and inside the car doors. You want to get rid of any bugs that might be hiding out of sight.

5. Wash and steam the interior

Wash the seat covers and floor mats, and steam clean the upholstery. This can also be done at the car wash. The heat of the steam will kill things like bed bugs that are hiding in the upholstery.

6. Use some bug spray and place traps

Some chemicals can be an excellent way to get rid of crawling passengers. Spray some bug spray in the car and place a trap or two under the seats.

7. Take care of where you park your car

If you tend to park your car under a tree or close to an ant nest, you are more likely to find bugs in your car. 

8. Keep windows and doors closed

When you’re not in your, car you should keep windows and doors closed.

9. Don’t transport plants in your car

Plants are likely to carry some insects and if you transport them in your car, you might end up with some stragglers staying behind when you remove the plants.

10. Clean up spills

If any food or drink spills in your car, clean it up as soon as possible. The smell of the spill will attract insects.

11. Get some professional help

If you have a serious problem, you may need to get help from the professionals. They will fumigate your car to kill anything you can’t handle.

Just like our homes, our cars can attract some unwanted bugs, but keeping your car clean will help reduce the chances of infestation. Don’t be one of those people who always have to apologise for the mess when other people get into your car, or who has an entire wardrobe in there. Be clean and be bug-free to avoid the need for pest control services.

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