
How to keep your kitchen pest free

Pests in the kitchen are unpleasant and can pose major health risks to you and your family. This guide will explore how to get rid of the most common kitchen pests and how you can keep your kitchen pest free in the future to avoid the need for specialist pest control services. 

Find the source of the problem/track down the breeding site

You want to know where these critters are coming from so you can exterminate them at the source. If your problem is ants, follow their line to their nest and vacuum the space. Finding breeding sites of flies, rodents and cockroaches can be a little more difficult so you might want to skip to step 2.

1. Lay traps 

You can lay traps at the breeding site to attract any insects you didn’t get. If you can’t find the nest, lay traps in or around the cupboard where you spotted the pests. If you’re trapping rodents, look for traps or poison that’s owl friendly. If an owl eats a rat that died from poison that wasn’t owl friendly, the owl can die as well.

2. Inspect the exterior of your home for holes or cracks and seal them up

Bugs and rodents make their way into our homes by crawling through cracks and holes in our walls, so seal them up to make sure they can’t get in. 

3. Fix leaks

Pests are attracted to sources of water so if you have any dripping pipes or faucets you should fix them. 

4. Remove sources of standing water in your kitchen

Don’t let water stand in the sink for too long and keep a close eye on your pets’ water bowls. If your infestation is particularly bad, you might want to consider moving pets’ water bowls out of the kitchen (but make sure your pets always have access to fresh water).

5. Clean spilled food from under your kitchen appliances

A lot of food can gather under our refrigerators and microwaves. Clean and vacuum under your appliances and make a habit of doing this once a month to minimise attraction for pests.

6. Clean fly specks with a water and borax solution

Flies leave something called ‘fly specks’ on your walls and this attracts more flies. Clean your walls with a low concentration of borax in water to get rid of the specks. 

7. Sanitise areas affected by previous rodent infestations

Rodents are attracted to the smell of their own urine so if you’re dealing with a rodent infestation, spray the affected areas with a low concentration of bleach and water. Let the areas soak for 5 minutes before wiping it up.

8. Throw away overripe fruit and vegetables

Fruit flies are attracted to overripe fruit and vegetables. Keep your fresh produce in the fridge, or if you’re ripening the produce at home, make sure you transfer them to your fridge as soon as they are ready. 

9. Install fly screens and door sweeps

Install door sweeps to close up the space between your doors and floors. If you live in a warm area and enjoy leaving your doors open, install fly screens on your doorways and windows. 

10. Future proof your kitchen

10.1 Clean any crumbs or spills after a meal

You might think little crumbs or spills are harmless, but this can attract kitchen pests. Clean your counters and sweep the floors after meals.

10.2 Don’t leave food or unwashed dishes out overnight

Put away your leftovers, wash the dishes or pack the dishwasher before going to bed. Even the smallest bit of food can attract pests into your kitchen.

10.3 Make sure the lids of your trash cans are closed and empty them frequently

By keeping trash cans closed you’ll eliminate interesting smells that can attract pests into your kitchen. Also don’t let the trash can get too full. The longer it sits, the more likely it is to attract pests.

10.4 Get the family on board

Some people don’t realise their habits contribute to pests in the kitchen. Try explaining what attracts the critters and how the people in your home can help you keep the kitchen clean. Children can be a bit more difficult to convince, so try turning cleaning into a game. The first one to clean their part of the kitchen gets a special prize! 

As with most things in life, setting a good example can convince others to do the same. If you keep the kitchen clean and regularly employ the help of your family, those pests will stay out for good. Don’t be too hard on yourself if you do find insects in your kitchen, even the cleanest kitchens attract pests.  

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