
How to manage your garbage to avoid pest infestation

Proper garbage management is an essential part of keeping your home clean and pest free. Pests are attracted to rotting waste, and any residue that spills out of your garbage can be trampled around the house, where it will attract pests and may spread disease. Here’s how to properly manage your garbage, to stop pests from taking up residence in your home and requiring professional pest control services.

1. Invest in bins that can be sealed

The first – and perhaps most important – step is to invest in good-sized bins, with lids that can be tightly sealed. A properly sealed garbage bin will keep pests out, and will also keep your home smelling fresh and clean. It is useful to have several smaller bins inside your house, as well as a large outside bin that you can use to tip your inside bins into. 

2. Use bin bags

Now that you have invested in a good set of bins, make sure that each bin has a plastic bin liner. Bin bags will help to keep your bins clean and they will also make it easier for you to dispose of your garbage. Choose liners that are heavy-duty and that are the right size for your bins. They should reach the bottom of the bin and they should be at least as wide as the bin opening. 

3. Check that the bin bags have been inserted properly

You have your bin bags ready, now make sure you use them correctly. Separate the liner from the roll and shake it out to make sure that it is fully open. Place the liner carefully in the bin so that the opening sits snugly in the opening of the bin and is tucked in nicely, with no gaps. This will stop any waste from getting in between the bin and the liner.

4. Keep the lids closed

You have your bins and liners all set up and ready to receive your rubbish! The next point to take note of is to remember to keep your bin lids closed, except for when you are actually throwing away waste. If a bin is left open when you are not using it, you will attract pests such as flies, cockroaches and rodents. Flies, especially love to lay their eggs in your nice warm rubbish, and if they are allowed to do this you will have a fresh batch of maggots in your bin very soon. These nasty wriggling larvae are not creatures that anyone wants to share their home with!

5. Separate your organic waste

We’ve figured out the where, now it’s time to think about what you are throwing away each day. If you have access to a composting facility (or if you have your own compost heap), it’s a great idea to separate your compostable organic waste from the rest of your rubbish. Not only is this a wonderfully eco-friendly way to add some nutrients to soil, it will also help to keep your rubbish from becoming ultra-stinky, as it is usually rotting food waste that contributes the most to that garbage smell (and attracts pests to your rubbish). If you periodically send your organic waste to a collection facility, keep the waste in a sealed container or ziplock bag in your freezer in between disposals, so that it doesn’t rot in your kitchen.

6. Rinse recyclables

If you are able to recycle your rubbish as well as composting your organics, you’re well on your way to becoming an eco-hero! As an added benefit, you’ll also produce less waste overall. Great job! Most recycling plants require you to clean your recyclables before disposing of them, so give your tins, glass and plastic containers a rinse before putting them in the bin to be recycled. This also means less rotting food waste in your rubbish bins, so it’s a win-win!

7. Clear out your household bins every day

One of the best ways to keep pests away from your garbage is to clear out your inside bins every day. This may sound like a lot of extra hassle, but the amount of trouble it will save you in the long run will make it worth it! This is where your outside bin comes in – you can transfer your household rubbish into this bin at the end of each day. Store your outside bin at least 10 metres from your house, if your yard allows.

8. Clear out your outside bin once a week

Make sure that you get rid of the contents of your outside bin at least once a week. This may be through a municipal collection scheme, or you may have to drive the garbage to a collection site yourself. Either way, make sure this is done regularly to prevent odours and rotting waste from building up in your outside bin and therefore attracting pests to your property.

9. Give your bins a wash

When you do your weekly garbage disposal, give the bins a thorough wash before you insert new bin bags. A good way to do this is to take the bins outside and use a hosepipe to spray down the insides. You can also use hot water for dirtier bins. Scrub the insides of the bins well, using detergent and a broom or brush (keep these to use for cleaning bins only). 

10. Check for maggots and disinfect bins if necessary

Despite your best efforts, you may still get maggots inside your bins in the hot summer months. If you notice any maggots in your garbage, immediately seal the garbage bag tightly and dispose of it in your outside bin. Pour boiling water on any maggots that remain inside the bin, then wash the bin thoroughly. You can then rinse out the bin using a mixture of one part vinegar to three parts water. This will help to keep odours away and to stop the pests from coming back. 

If you take the time to properly manage your garbage, not only will you have a clean and fresh-smelling home, but you may also be able to keep common pests out of your home for good! 

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