
How to protect your children from pesticides

If your home is being invaded by unwanted pests, there are many pest control methods out there. You might consider using pesticides at home, but remember that they are toxic chemicals. While they are great to control pests such as insects, rodents, bacteria and fungi, they can cause harm if they are handled or ingested. Children are especially sensitive to the effects of chemicals, so it is important that you take special care to protect children from pesticides and consider professional pest control services. Read on to get all the information you need to protect your children from pesticides and other toxic chemicals.

1. Teach your children

Teach your children that household chemicals are dangerous and should never be touched. Sit them down and show them the labels which indicate that a product is dangerous. Tell them to always keep an eye out for these labels, and explain the dangers of handling or ingesting unknown substances.

2. Store pesticides and chemicals in a cupboard 

Now that your kids are on board, choose a cupboard or storage place that can be locked and is out of your children’s reach. Although your children should have a better understanding of the dangers of poison, you should still store them safely out of the way, where they are not a temptation for curious little hands.

3. Buy a padlock

If your storage place does not have a lock, buy a padlock or safety latch from a hardware store.
Not all cupboards are lockable, but this can be fixed with some simple DIY.

4. Pack away

Always pack pesticides and chemicals away in the right place when you are not using them, and make sure that the lock is secured. If you need to leave in a hurry after you have already started using the pesticides, don’t leave them out because you are ‘coming right back’. 

5. Keep the original packaging

Never transfer chemicals to other containers, especially old food or drink containers, as children might think that they are edible. Don’t remove the labels from the packaging, as these contain instructions for application and valuable information to help you in case of an emergency.

6. Ban children and pets

Now we are ready to actually use these pesticides! Ensure that your children and pets don’t have access to the area in which you will use the pesticide. Keep them away for at least the amount of time specified on the container, or longer if possible.

7. Clear the area

Clear any toys out of the area in which you will use the pesticide. These could be contaminated and cause harm to children if they handle them later. Also make sure that there is no food in the area that could be contaminated. 

8. Read the instructions before application

It sounds obvious, but don’t assume you know what you are doing. Before you use pesticides in your home or garden, read through the instructions so that you know how to use them correctly.

9. Follow the instructions

Follow the instructions exactly as they are written on the container. Do not use more product than is advised because you think your infestation is “particularly bad”.

In addition to the above, there are some extra precautions you can take. Be careful when you use bait, traps and mothballs. Do not place bait or traps within reach of children or pets. Keep mothballs in containers with child-proof seals. Children may think that these are sweets, or something to play with, if they find them in a cupboard.
Finally, before you even think about bringing pest control poisons into your home, look up the number for your area’s poison information centre. The poison information centre will be able to give you advice if you or someone you know has accidentally handled or ingested a toxic chemical. Ensure that all caregivers have this number saved on their phones. If your child does come into contact with a pesticide or chemical, make sure that you have the container with you when you call the poison information centre.

An informed household is a safe household! Make sure that everyone in your household has read through this information and knows how to use and store pesticides safely. 

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