
How to safely operate a chainsaw

Chainsaws are potentially dangerous machines. They can cause fatal or major injury if not used properly. To reduce the risk of accidents it is recommended that people working with chainsaws receive appropriate training and be competent in using a chainsaw. Even smaller versions of these chainsaws can be extremely dangerous, so great care is always needed when tree felling.

1. Have someone with you

When using a chainsaw, having another person nearby is always recommended because of the risk of injury involved. But what happens if one of you gets hurt while cutting wood or doing some other outdoor job? If that happens, there needs to be a plan in place. You want to know how to handle things in case one of you gets injured. If you're working alone, make sure you carry a cell phone, just in case you need to get help in a hurry. 

2. Wear the appropriate safety equipment

The most important part of being safe while working with chainsaws is wearing appropriate clothing and protective equipment. This includes protective clothing, footwear, chainsaw gloves, eye protection, chainsaw helmet and hearing protection. Also, avoid wearing any loose clothing. You must ensure that your clothes are suitable for the task and that they protect against hazards such as cuts, burns, heat, electrical shocks, noise exposure, dust, chemicals and falling objects.

3. Assess the area in which you're working

Always survey the area where you plan to cut. Make sure there aren't any loose wires, tree limbs hanging over your path or anything that might trip you up. If you see something that looks suspicious, call someone who knows how to safely perform such work. And always keep pets and children well away from the whole area. Remember, chainsaw accidents don't just happen to the user.

4. Cut below waist height at all times

When using a chainsaw, always cut below waist level. This helps to keep you out of harm’s way. Use a chain saw guard, and make sure it fits snugly around the blade. Never use a chainsaw without a guard. If you fall off a ladder while cutting tree branches, you could easily hit your head or face against the ground. It's important to avoid reaching too far and losing control in the process. 

5. How to effectively cut a tree

With the saw running at full power, start pushing the blade into the wood. You'll feel some resistance; that's normal. But don't force it. Instead, just keep pressing firmly with a steady grip, letting the chain do the work. When you see the teeth bite into the wood, hold the throttle down and maintain pressure until the whole length of the cut is finished. Then ease off the throttle and let the saw come completely to a stop. Maintaining a secure footing at such times is also extremely important.

6. Ascertain where you want the tree to fall

If the tree is already leaning towards one side, it may be best just to let it naturally fall into place. However, if there are any obstacles in the path of the falling tree, such as overhead power lines, fences, buildings, etc., you may need to take measures to avoid causing injury or property damage. For smaller to medium-sized trees, measuring the vertical height allows you to estimate how far the tree will fall when it hits the ground. This helps you decide whether to move the tree or allow the natural fall process to occur. 

7. Avoid kickback when using your chainsaw

Chainsaw kickbacks are one of the leading causes of chainsaw injuries. They occur when the guide bar is pulled up and backwards while being used to cut wood. This movement throws the saw forward and upward, potentially causing the saw blade to strike the operator. If the chain is moving too fast, it can catch the end of the guide bar and pull it out of position, resulting in a kickback. A chainsaw's guard is supposed to prevent the likelihood of kickback. However, many people don't know how to use them properly. 

8. Always keep your chainsaw well maintained

Chainsaws are tough machines designed for tough work, of course, but it's important to keep them properly maintained. You don't have to know everything about chainsaws to use them safely, but you do need to understand what you'll need to do to keep them running well. Depending on the type of machine you have, maintenance tasks can include checking and topping up oil levels, cleaning the chain, adjusting the chain tension, checking the air filter and lubricating all moving parts. The better your maintenance efforts, the more effective your chainsaw will be.
One of the best ways to learn how to use a chainsaw correctly is to watch videos online, where you can see people demonstrate the techniques. You can use a chainsaw for various tasks, including cutting firewood, pruning plants and trimming hedges. In general, you should always use the correct safety equipment and clothing, and you should always follow manufacturer instructions carefully.

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