As a dermatologist, Dr. Newaj specializes in the diagnosis and management of general dermatology, mole screening, surgery for skin cancer, skin pigmentation, hair diseases and diseases of the skin of the genital region as well as women health, warts and skin tags.
He also has experience in internal medicine, gynaecology and urology. Dr. Newaj offers a vast range of services. These include mole screening, excission of skin cancer by surgical and other methods, treatment of pigmentation;hair diseases and diseases of the genital region, varicose vein sclerotherapy as well as women’s health. Cosmetic dermatology is also part of his scope of practice.
Further Services include :
General Dermatology
Minor Surgery
Varicose veins
Treatment for Hair and Nail Disorders
Treatment of Skin Cancer
Skin Peels (glycolic and TCA)
Botulinum Toxin (Dysport Botox)
Surgical Procedures
Services Provided
Work Focus