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Top results for Garden Supplies in Phoenix

by Kathy, 072****113
Had my window blasted out by a brush cutter yesterday 26 Jan 2015 in Pinetown. No safety guards on any machines. My grandson was injured as he was a passenger in the seat next to the window. None of the machines or staff have any safety pr...
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Quote requests posted by other customers for garden supplies

  • Request for Garden Supplies. Weed and grass killer 5L
Port Elizabeth
  • Request for Garden Supplies. Im looking for potting soil or soil to plant veggies or pot plants in. I looking quote and sizes of bags in Port Eliz...
  • Request for Garden Supplies Chemical to destroy trees or plants from growing on the ground
  • Request for Garden Supplies. - brush cutters This is for a Tender project that has been awarded to us. I need a quotation for 22 heavy duty brus...
  • Request for Garden Supplies. - stihl products Grass trimmers case/covers
  • Request for Garden Supplies. I need kikuyu grass for my yard
East London
  • Request for Garden Supplies. I am on the Board at Seavale and have been tasked to obtain the following quotes on machinery and tools etc: It would ...
  • Request for Garden Supplies. I need 1500m2 of LM grass.
  • Request for Garden Supplies. - brush cutters Commercial brush cutter
  • Request for Garden Supplies. - brush cutters i need brush petrol grass cutters