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Top results for Payroll in Port Shepstone

Port Shepstone
Facilitate compliance by key personnel in their key structures and entities. We offer the following services: * Financial Statements. * Vat - Vat calculation & Vat return submission. * Payroll services - PAYE & UIF submission. * Intern ...show more
1 review
by Memory, 072****736
Prompt replies with knowledgable answers. Mrs Mkhize is a breath of fresh air.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you need someone to take care of the payroll services for your company? Look no further as Snupit connects you to the best payroll consultants in Port Shepstone.
  • What does a payroll consultant do?

    A basic payroll consultant will collect wage and hour information from the employer and use that information to calculate gross wages, subtract all pertinent withholdings and deductions, print checks, make direct deposits and prepare all employment tax filings.
  • Are there any other jobs that payroll consultants can take care of?

    Some payroll consultants offer more comprehensive help. They can take over some of the responsibilities typically handled internally by human resources, like administering a company's retirement accounts and benefits programs. They can file new employee forms with the state and help comply with any court-ordered wage garnishment programs. Some payroll consultants even offer a free phone helpline for any questions related to human resources or payroll.
  • What are some of the benefits of using payroll services?

    - Convenience: With outside services, you simply telephone their offices, give them the hours, deductions, and salary amounts of your employees, and the firm processes the check.

    - Functionality: Many payroll companies also handle employee retirement plans and direct deposits. Many of them provide management reports, calculate employee tax obligations, and prepare W2 forms for their clients.

    - Accuracy: Payroll consultants know they must do an accurate job if they want to keep your business. You can also count on them to stay up-to-date with new tax laws related to employee payroll.

    - Compliance: The payroll function entails a complicated array of state and federal legal obligations. Hiring an outside company can save you money on legal fees and put compliance in the hands of a business that understands these legal issues.
  • How much does it cost to hire a payroll consultant?

    Different payroll consultants will have different rates which also depend on the services you want.
  • Why Snupit?

    1. You never pay to use Snupit. It’s free and you get to compare multiple quotes from the best payroll consultants in Port Shepstone.

    2. Professionals listed on the Snupit platform are experienced, friendly and background-checked. Our numbers say it all! Of the 1 reviews for payroll consultants, our customers have had a positive and a rewarding experience with 1 payroll projects.

    3. Choose from 249 trusted and high quality professionals in Port Shepstone who can assist you with just about anything you need done.

    4. Don’t overpay for any service, hire a local expert from our talent pool of 1 payroll consultants in Port Shepstone who are skilled and vetted.
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  • 1 Positive Reviews
  • Recently hired Pros have been rated * 5.0/5 from 1 Reviews
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