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Top results for Stove Repairs in Potchefstroom

CoolmaTIK stands for Professional SKILLS + High Quality + Great CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE at a fair price. At Coolmatik we offer both residential and commercial repair services to all types of appliances and electrical faults. We have specialists a ...show more
1 review
by Raeesa, 073****278
Our washing machine was repaired in almost no time at all. Shaun is very efficient and transparent about what needs to be done. Excellent service and very friendly and helpful!
You want it? We`ll do it !. We have been in the painting and handyman business for over 15 years. We deliver quality work and our lots of satisfied customers proves it. We work fast but also thoroughly and we are trustworthy. Our many years ...show more
1 review
by Brian, 083****233
Excellent service received, and the quote was in our budget. Would definitely recommend ADS anytime.
Potchindustria, Potchefstroom
Air Conditioning and Refrigeration - Commercial, Industrial and Domestic. Repairs, New Installations and Problem Solving Parts - if we do not have stock we may order it for you. Electrical - all installations - Commercial, Industrial and Do ...show more
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Quote requests posted by other customers for stove repairs

  • Request for Stove and Oven Repair Technicians. - stove repairs I want to replace stove plate
  • Request for Stove and Oven Repair Technicians I'm told it needs touch insulators the problem is the top.
  • Request for Stove and Oven Repair Technicians. - stove repairs
  • Request for Stove and Oven Repair Technicians. - stove repairs The oven door doesn't want to open till to the end and the oven door doesn't...
  • Request for Stove and Oven Repair Technicians. - Stove repairs Ceramic Stove stopped working and other two plug sockets
  • Request for Stove and Oven Repair Technicians. - stove repairs
  • Request for Stove and Oven Repair Technicians. - stove repairs
Port Elizabeth
  • Request for Stove and Oven Repair Technicians. - stove repairs
  • Request for Stove and Oven Repair Technicians. - oven services I need to remove my current oven and stove top and put in new ones. There is c...
  • Request for Stove and Oven Repair Technicians. - stove repairs