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Results for Holiday Resorts in Roodepoort

Weltevredenpark, Roodepoort
Our mission is to create a tranquil home environment for our guests, where they can relax, unwind and truly enjoy our quiet surroundings. We welcome all visitors, both local and from abroad. Our Staff at Kleine Constantia Guest House ar ...show more
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Little Falls, Roodepoort
You will love the laughter and we love the love. Eagles View is situated on the slopes of the Little Falls mountain range in Roodepoort. The Guest House is conveniently located, central to major shopping centres, highways and a mere 25km dri ...show more
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North Riding AH, Roodepoort
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  • Request for Holiday Accommodation & Self Catering Apartments I'm in need of accommodation, 35 rooms for 35 people including breakfast, lunc...