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Top Groomers in Soshanguve

Soshanguve South, Soshanguve
Garden Services and Tree Frelling, we do cleaning after work. Garden Service, professionally done and Tree felling by hard working teams, we remove any rubbish/ rubble to the dumping sites and nothing is left around. ...show more
6 reviews
by Amora, 076****573
I used the company for almost 2 years very reliable they always have done a great job Michael and his team worked well indeed , if im not satisfied with specific erea they will always come back and redo it. I really would recommend them....
Frequently Asked Questions
  • What type tools do groomers use?

    Grooming your pet is not only about cleanliness, but it also has health benefits for your pet. With that being said, an efficient pet grooming service includes bathing, trimming, and clipping. Groomers in Soshanguve make use of various brushes that are well suited for a specific pet coat. A special de-shedding brush is also used to remove thick undercoats. To remove knots and loose hair, groomers in Soshanguve use a sturdy metal comb. There are some groomers who prefer using an electric clipper too.
  • What other grooming services are available?

    Well-experienced groomers Soshanguve offer a comprehensive grooming service in. On the other hand, there are groomers who choose to operate in a niche market and specialize in a specific service – be it coat shedding or nail clipping. Other services include:

    - Teeth Brushing
    - Tick and Flea Treatment
    - Pet Walking
    - Vet Services
    - Pet Sitting
    - De-worming tablet
  • How accessible are pet grooming services?

    There are mobile groomers in Soshanguve that can come to your home on a set appointment. However, the pet owner should be in the position to avail hot water, electrical outlet, enough space and a towel upon request. Remember that many grooming studios require pet owners to make prior appointments.
  • What is the average pet grooming session?

    The average length of a pet grooming session solely depends on the type of the pet, their breed and the desired service. Minor services such as nail trimming can take about 10-15 minutes, subject to the pet’s resistance. Other services such as deep cleansing and full coat treatment may take up to 3-4 hours.
  • How do groomers handle aggressive pets?

    For anxious and panicky pets, well-experienced groomers Soshanguve rely on their learned tricks and techniques which they use to make the pets settle down. They sometimes use scented candles and essential oils for a calming ambience. In a case of serious aggression, a second groomer comes in to and applies a “safe-hold” technique. This is to keep both the pet and them safe during the grooming process.
  • What type of products do they use?

    Fortunately, an increasing number of brands offer gentle pet shampoos for sensitive skin. As such, groomers use natural-oil based shampoos which soothing properties. These organic shampoos restore and protect your pet’s skin while moisturizing it simultaneously. Another available option is waterless foam shampoos known to lift dirt and mud from your pet’s coat. Most of the organic and natural pet grooming products are considered to be eco-friendly because their packaging is also recyclable.
  • Why Snupit?

    1. You never pay to use Snupit. It’s free and you get to compare multiple quotes from the best groomers in Soshanguve.

    2. Professionals listed on the Snupit platform are experienced, friendly and background-checked. Our numbers say it all! Of the 0 reviews for groomers, our customers have had a positive and a rewarding experience with 0 pet grooming projects.

    3. Choose from 319 trusted and high quality professionals in Soshanguve who can assist you with just about anything you need done.

    4. Don’t overpay for any service, hire a local expert from our talent pool of 1 groomers in Soshanguve who are skilled and vetted.
Price Estimate for groomers in Soshanguve

  • Small Dog (>10kgs): R220 :
  • Medium (10kgs -20kgs): R250 :
  • Large Dog (21kgs- 45kgs): R280 :
  • Extra Large Dog (45Kgs): R320 :
  • Cats: R330 :

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