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Frequently Asked Questions
Snupit provides you with landscapers who aim to work on their customer's gardens whether they be small or large. The main goal is to beautify your space and provide you with the best landscaping possible in Tongaat.
  • What services does a landscaper offer?

    The landscapers at Snupit will play a crucial role in the improvement of your home’s aesthetics and give you quality landscaping designs. Their services include constructing, installing and/ or maintaining the following features:

    1. Indoor and outdoor gardens

    2. Vegetable patches

    3. Zen gardens

    4. Urban forests

    5. Other relevant features
  • Will landscapers give me an estimate before starting his work?

    The landscapers at Snupit have an important job of improving your home’s aesthetics and therefore, do not start their work right away. They will first plan out the space and give you an estimate before commencing their job.
  • Can the weather in Tongaat have an impact on your appointment?

    Yes, the weather conditions might have an impact on your appointment in case they hinder the landscapers’ work. In case of heavy rainfalls or temperatures rising above 38 degree Celsius, the landscapers may not be able to do their jobs efficiently and you will have to reschedule your appointment.
  • Why Snupit?

    1. You never pay to use Snupit. It’s free and you get to compare multiple quotes from the best landscapers in Tongaat.

    2. Professionals listed on the Snupit platform are experienced, friendly and background-checked. Our numbers say it all! Of the 0 reviews for landscapers, our customers have had a positive and a rewarding experience with 0 landscaping projects.

    3. Choose from 135 trusted and high quality professionals in Tongaat who can assist you with just about anything you need done.

    4. Don’t overpay for any service, hire a local expert from our talent pool of 1 landscapers in Tongaat who are skilled and vetted.
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