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Get quotes for caterers in Harding
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Answer a few questions and we'll connect you with the best pros for caterers near you.
What type of event would you like catered?
Birthday Party / Anniversary
Special Occasion / Reunion
Corporate Event / Conference
Work Meeting / Training
School Event / Fund Raiser
Bridal Shower / Baby Shower
From verified businesses and trade professionals
Do you have any dietary restrictions or preferences?
Which meals would you like catered?
Light snacks / Sandwiches
Savoury platters
Would you like any of the following in addition to your meal?
Tea and Coffee
Soft drinks and Juices
Alcoholic drinks (Beers, Wine, Spirits)
Speciality Cocktails
What Cuisine are you interested in?
Braai / Spit Braai
Hor d'oeuvers
I'm open to recommendation from the Pro
How would you like the meal/meals served?
Plated meals
Food Stations
Family Style
I'm not sure, open to Pro Recommendation
Do you need any waiters during the meal?
Yes, I do
No, I do not
I'm not sure
Will a kitchen be available at the location?
Yes, Full kitchen available
Yes, Partial kitchen available, [Sink and tables only]
I'm not sure
How many guests are you expecting?
20 or fewer
100 - 150 guests
20 - 40 guests
150 - 200 guests
40 - 60 guests
200 - 300 guests
80 - 100 guests
Over 300 guests
Would you require any of the following?
Dinnerware, flatware and glasses
Disposable plates, cups and utensils
Cloth napkins
Serving / warming trays, dishes and utensils
Table centrepieces
Choose the status for this project.
Ready to hire
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Planning and Budgeting
When do you need this service?
--Select Required Date--
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In the next few days
As soon as possible
On a set date
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Which suburb are you based in?
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Contact me Anytime
mornings 7am - 10am
mornings 10am - 12pm
afternoons 12pm - 2pm
afternoons 2pm - 5pm
evenings 5pm - 9pm
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Top Caterers in Harding
Ngena Caterers
Catering for all Occasions," Leave it to the professionals". We have years of experience in upmarket hotels and fine dining restaurants. We serve high end upmarket clients who wants luxury and style at their occasions.
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1 review
Good food and Best service
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Frequently Asked Questions
Indulge in the art of fine dining with expert caterers in Harding. Whether it's a corporate event catering, wedding catering, or birthday party catering, caterers will craft a bespoke culinary experience that exceeds your expectations. At Snupit we help connect you with experienced caterers in Harding from concept to execution, they take care of every detail, ensuring your event is remembered for years to come.
What does a caterer do?
A caterers duties include developing menus, meal delivery, managing food preparation timeline, setting up equipment to serve food and preserving its temperature.
How much notice should I give caterers?
Every caterer in Harding requires a different amount of time to prepare your order. You’ll want to give the caterers as much time as possible to get the job done, especially if your order is complex. However, there have been caterers in Harding known to pull through with as little as 24 hours notice. It’s not recommended to take that risk though.
Do caterers accommodate for allergies?
A good catering company in Harding will be able to accommodate all allergies and dietary restrictions. However, if you have specific dietary requirements, it will probably restrict the kind of meals that you can make available for everyone. For example, a vegan steak is hard to come by. The most common dietary requirements include food that is: Gluten free, peanut free, vegetarian, vegan, halaal and kosher.
Do catering companies have minimum or maximum orders?
Most caterers in Harding will stipulate the numbers that they are able to cater for. It’s important to have an understanding of what kind of catering company you are dealing with. They will generally display their catering capabilities on their website or social media.
How do I plan a birthday menu?
Planning a birthday menu can be a fun and creative process! Some of the steps to plan a birthday include:
Determining the number of guests, choosing a theme or style and planning for special requests.
Review your menu to ensure it's balanced, appealing, and meets your guests needs. Refine your menu as needed to ensure it's perfect for your special day!
Can I taste the food before booking my event?
It should be possible to taste the food before your event. Ordering your food well in advanced is the best way to ensure that you’ll have this opportunity. Nevertheless, you must be prepared to pay an extra fee for the tasting. It’s highly recommended to taste the food before ordering it.
Do caterers provide servers?
It all depends on the type of event you are hosting and if you require servers. Most established caterers in Harding will have staff that can serve food to guests upon request. This may come at an extra fee. However, it’s worth it for larger events and formal events.
Can I customize my wedding catering menu?
Customizing your menu is a great way to make your special day truly unique and reflective of your personal style and taste. By customizing your menu, you can create a unique and memorable dining experience that leaves a lasting impression on your guests.
How much do most caterers charge in Harding?
The average cost for catering per person is between R80 to R400. This could be dependent on the meal package you require as well as any additional services such as waiters, drinks and equipment needed.
Why Snupit?
1. You never pay to use Snupit. It’s free and you get to compare multiple quotes from the best caterers in Harding.
2. Professionals listed on the Snupit platform are experienced, friendly and background-checked. Our numbers say it all! Of the 1 reviews for caterers, our customers have had a positive and a rewarding experience with 1 catering projects.
3. Choose from 9 trusted and high quality professionals in Harding who can assist you with just about anything you need done.
4. Don’t overpay for any service, hire a local expert from our talent pool of 1 caterers in Harding who are skilled and vetted.
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Price Estimate for caterers in Harding
Average costs for catering - per person: R80 : R400
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Quote requests posted by other customers for caterers
Port Elizabeth
Request for Caterers. It is a first birthday party but the food is mainly for the elders
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Request for Caterers. April
Simons Town
Request for Caterers. 70th birthday family getting together. 2 young children. Nut and avocado allergy. +- 14.
Port Elizabeth
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