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Featured Shadeport Installers near Lawley

Services Lawley
“We are your Shadeport and Carport solution”. We sell DIY shadeport kits. We also supply and install shadeports and Carports. We repair shade cloth/netting and deteriorated carports. ...
6 reviews
by Mark, 078****763
Fantastic service. Good quality job. Friendly owner.
Shadera Shadeports
Services Lawley
Its summer,get in the shade. We erect awesome looking shade ports, sun sails and steel carports.with our unique one man operated tension device it is now possible for the home owner to change the canopy himself...
3 reviews
by M, 073****545
Shaders they did excellent job ,I'm one of the very happy customer their job is excellent.
Oku Trading And Projects
Services Lawley
Future shades and everlasting services. Protect your car from sun damage, hail and rain. Residential installation, commercial and creche. Contact us for free quotation we do come out for measurements. With options net options 95% to 100% wat...
2 reviews
by Niki, 076****842
100% on work and services
Solida Sombra
Services Lawley
Solid Shades. Shadeport and carport manufacturers and installers. ??We do new installations. ??We do repairs and refurbishments. ??We manufacture and supply DIY kits. ??We supply shade netting rolls for agricultural, residential and b...
1 review
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Frequently Asked Questions
  • What are the major benefits of shadeports?

    - They provide a decent amount of shade and prevent parked vehicles from heating up in Lawley.

    - Assets can be protected from heat, dust, wind, rain and hail.

    - They assist with outside water drainage.

    - Hot air can escape through the fabric, substantially reducing temperature under the canopy.

    - They are functional and cheaper than building an entire garage.

    - They are versatile and can be installed in places such as car parks, pool areas, gardens, playgrounds or restaurants in Lawley.
  • Is it better to install a shadeport or build a garage?

    It depends on the customers’ needs and security requirements. Shadeports leave vehicles and other items exposed and accessible to outsiders. However, they do have a few pros that could possibly make them better than garages.

    Shadeports are knitted and the fabric they are made of is porous. This allows hot air to escape and effectively cool down the area. Solid structures, which are non-porous, do not allow heat to escape easily. This results in hot air building up in the same area and making the temperature incredibly hot.
  • How are shadeports installed?

    The columns of the shadeport are permanently secured into concrete footers that are stationed on the ground. The columns will be spaced out evenly and ensure that there is room for a vehicle to drive in between them. The columns could also be bolted into an existing concrete slab.
  • Can I remove a shadeport cover if I want to?

    Yes, it is possible to remove a shadeport cover and it’s not a difficult process. The fabric cover is usually manufactured with a galvanized steel cable that is stitched into the seam around the perimeter. The steel cable is then hooked to a restrainer on each corner. This creates enough fabric tension to secure it down with two cable clamps.

    To remove the shadeport cover, all you have to do is release the tension by unhooking the cover. Make sure you unhook all four corners and store the cover safely. It can easily be re-installed at a later stage.
  • How long do shadeports last?

    The columns for the shadeport are pretty much permanent fixtures. They can stay in the same spot for decades at a time. On the other hand, the shadeport covers need to be replaced more often. They have a 12-15 years life expectancy, however, they can begin to fade or stretch over time. It’s recommended to replace the shadeport covers once every 5-8 years, depending on their condition.
  • Can I install a shadeport on my own?

    There are DIY shadeports that are relatively easy to install. However, it becomes difficult if you don’t have the necessary equipment or skills to complete the job effectively. It’s highly recommended to have a professional in Lawley to install a new shadeport, especially if concrete is required to pin down the columns. In addition, this job requires more than one person to complete.
Price Estimate for shadeports near by Lawley

  • Average shadeport prices (including installation) - per shadeport: R8000+ :

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