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Top results for Dance Classes in Pietermaritzburg

Wembley, Pietermaritzburg
Helping young students to develop mental, physical and social skills through a fun age-appropriate dance curriculum. At Dance Movement Inc. we aim to encourage an active lifestyle for children of all ages while allowing them the opportunity ...show more
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Northern Park, Pietermaritzburg
The best dance studio in the Pietermaritzburg Midlands. Ben is passionate about dancing, and is there for you every step of the way. Classes are fun and affordable, and because Ben is a qualified proffessional dancer, teacher and adjudicato ...show more
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Newholmes, Pietermaritzburg
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Newholmes, Pietermaritzburg
1 review
by Nirvana, 081****515
Culture and music are a vital part of the indian culture! At this school of dance, she implements and makes you think of your culture along with modernisation! She is patient with small children and spends extra time with them. This is what...
Need Dance Instructors in Pietermaritzburg?

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  • 1 Positive Reviews
  • Recently hired Pros have been rated * 5.0/5 from 1 Reviews
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Quote requests posted by other customers for dance classes

  • Request for Dance Instructors. - dance lessons
  • Request for Dance Instructors. - dance lessons
  • Request for Dance Instructors. - dance lessons
  • Request for Dance Instructors. - dance lessons
  • Request for Dance Instructors. - dance lessons
  • Request for Dance Instructors. - dance lessons
  • Request for Dance Instructors. - dance lessons I want to learn to dance, as a hobby, but would like to learn to master the art.
  • Request for Dance Instructors. - dance lessons
  • Request for Dance Instructors. - dance lessons
  • Request for Dance Instructors. - dance lessons