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Physiotherapists in Pretoria

Garsfontein, Pretoria
Renier Cilliers and Jaco Swart are the proud owners of this practice situated in Pretoria East. Both are a Sport Physio in Pretoria. They are two male therapists that are passionate about their work and sport. They love getting to know thei ...show more
2 reviews
by Daan, 083****692
Jaco is an amazing physio, helped me when I have seen so many other therapists who didn't diagnosed me properly.
Silver Lakes Golf Estate, Pretoria
1 review
by Karien, 083****000
Cecilia is the only one who could help me with my injury which I had since February. I went to the best of the best, and paid a lot of money. Went once to Cecilia and there is a 90% improvement. Should be sorted with one or two more appoi...
by Mr, 084****127
Sunday, 21 December 2014: after trying to get medical assistance for an old lady at three hospitals in Pretoria, we eventually landed up at the Emergency Unit Of The Little Company of Mary Hospital in Groenkloof, Pretoria - and what a delig...
Garsfontein, Pretoria
1 review
by Mias, 083****466
Christoff help me a lot what I thought was a knee problem was to only ITB. After 3 sessions the pain in my knee was gone.
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Frequently Asked Questions
  • What do physiotherapists do?

    Physiotherapy is a type of treatment to restore and maintain a patient’s physiological health. A physiotherapist in Pretoria can help you through physical rehabilitation, injury prevention, health and fitness. They encourage you to get involved in your own recovery.
  • What are the specialisations of a physiotherapist?

    Physiotherapists have expert knowledge about the science of movement. They know how to pinpoint an injury’s root causes. Consider physiotherapy if you have an injury or chronic pain that affects how you function every day. It’s common practice for a general practitioner to refer you to physiotherapist after surgeries like a hip replacement.
  • Do I need a doctor’s referral to book an appointment?

    No, you don’t need a doctor’s referral before seeing a physiotherapist. You can directly book an appointment if you feel that you need one. However, there are certain medical aid plans that may require you to see a physician and obtain a referral before seeing a physiotherapist in Pretoria.
  • What conditions do physiotherapists treat?

    Physiotherapists focus on both injury prevention and rehabilitation. The treatments can address problems caused by injury, disease or disability. Some of the most common problems that get treated by physiotherapists in Pretoria include:

    - Neck and back pain caused by problems in the muscles and skeleton.

    - Problems in the bones, joints, muscles and ligaments, such as arthritis and the after-effects of amputation.

    - Lung problems such as asthma.

    - Disability because of heart problems.

    - Pelvic issues, such as bladder and bowel problems related to childbirth.

    - Loss of mobility because of trauma to the brain or spine, or due to diseases such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis.

    - Fatigue, pain, swelling, stiffness, and loss of muscle strength, for example during cancer treatment, or palliative care.
  • What can I expect to happen at a physiotherapist appointment?

    Every consultation is different depending on your needs. Generally speaking, a physiotherapist will undergo the following process during a consultation:

    - The physiotherapist learns about your medical history and finds out more about why you have booked a consultation.

    - The physiotherapist assesses and diagnoses your condition.

    - You receive a treatment plan that sets goals for you and is possible for you to implement into your daily life.

    - You are potentially prescribed a course of exercises and any assistive tools.
  • Will my medical aid cover physiotherapy?

    It depends on the type of medical aid plan that you have. You’ll probably have to enquire to make sure and see if you have full or partial coverage. However, most people are able to cover physiotherapy consultations with their medical aid as it’s categorised as a visit to the doctor.
  • How many times will I need to see a physiotherapist before I get better?

    Every situation is different. Some patients only need one or two physiotherapy appointments to get better. Nevertheless, there are certain patients who need to attend physiotherapy for years in order to see long-lasting results. The goal of every physiotherapist in Pretoria should be to eliminate the need for a client to see them. This means they need to provide professional and effective treatments that ensures a long-term solution.
  • Why Snupit?

    1. You never pay to use Snupit. It’s free and you get to compare multiple quotes from the best physiotherapists in Pretoria.

    2. Professionals listed on the Snupit platform are experienced, friendly and background-checked. Our numbers say it all! Of the 14 reviews for physiotherapists, our customers have had a positive and a rewarding experience with 13 physiotherapy projects.

    3. Choose from 26747 trusted and high quality professionals in Pretoria who can assist you with just about anything you need done.

    4. Don’t overpay for any service, hire a local expert from our talent pool of 26 physiotherapists in Pretoria who are skilled and vetted.
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  • 14 Reviews for physiotherapists
  • 13 Positive Reviews
  • Recently hired Pros have been rated * 4.6/5 from 14 Reviews
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Price Estimate for physiotherapists in Pretoria

  • Physiotherapist consultations: R800 : R1200

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