
How to repair storm damage to trees

Trees are beautiful, living things that provide us with much-needed oxygen, shade, beauty, food and protection from the elements. In fact, we depend on our trees for almost everything. Unfortunately, storms can cause major damage to trees, including uprooting, windthrow, branch breakage and even death. If you notice damage, it is important to act quickly to protect them, through tree felling or repairing storm damage.

1. Prune your dead branches

The best way to prune a tree is to take into account its natural growth pattern. This allows you to keep the shape of the tree while maintaining good health. If you are unsure about how to prune a particular type of tree, ask someone who knows. Professional qualified arborists or tree fellers will know exactly how to do it safely and effectively.

2. Take care of the largest items first

In the aftermath of a storm, the overall look of your garden can seem somewhat intimidating. At this stage, it's best to focus on the larger items first, such as felled trees, not to mention structural damage to the property itself. The smaller items, for the time being at least, can wait. If you need help from a neighbour or a qualified tree feller, don't be afraid to ask.

3. Remove storm debris such as larger branches

Storm debris can come in many forms. Larger, bulkier items such as trees, a tree trunk or broken branches may need input from a specialist clearance company, but for many homeowners, a few trips to the local dump site will be required instead. If you have space for a compost pile, this is the time to build one. Leaves, stems, twigs, torn bark, small branches and even mud can all be useful for the compost. Your organic matter can then combine to create something both useful and practical.

4. Consider emergency repairs to damaged tree bark

Most people panic when they see the first signs of tree bark damage after severe storms and bad weather. But there are ways to help your trees survive without having to cut down the entire thing. If you notice any of the main symptoms, it could mean your tree needs immediate attention. Potential areas of damage include snapped branches, split trunks, missing bark, dead leaves, broken limbs and more. Prioritising the most concerning areas of damage is therefore a must.

5. Decide whether to perform a wound repair on the trees

Wound dressings are petroleum-based products used to cover newly cut or injured trees. They're designed to protect against infection and keep pests out of the wound area. They're not necessarily a good idea, however, because studies have shown that the use of wound dressings actually prevents the tree from forming callouses, which are its natural way of dealing with injury. This causes the bark to peel away from the wound, exposing it to bacteria and fungi. Moisture trapped under the dressing can lead to rot and further tree damage.

6. Reduce the overall effects of the storm

Storm-damaged trees are often overlooked during the aftermath of a major weather event. But there are ways to help mitigate the effects of storms, and one of those ways is by repairing damaged trees. When it comes to dealing with storm damage trees, you want to make sure that you don't just focus on fixing the immediate problem, but that you look into how you can prevent future problems, too. Don't underestimate the amazing ability of trees to promote their own healing process.

7. Prevent future storm damage in rural areas

There are some things to consider when planning an open space, and some can help to prevent storm damage in the future. They include planting trees with a reasonable gap between them and keeping them well away from power lines. Native plants and shrubs are a good idea, because they find it easier to survive, and they require less in the way of maintenance. And if you have any trees that appear to be a hazard already, it's best to repair or remove them using tree fellers.

The best way to fix storm-damaged trees is generally by getting professional assistance, especially with major storm damage. While some homeowners might think that they can handle the job themselves, this isn't always the case. If you're looking to repair storm-damaged trees, you'll want to contact a local tree felling company. These professionals have the proper equipment needed to safely remove trees without causing further damage to surrounding areas. In addition to being safe, tree felling companies can provide you with tips on how to keep your property healthy and free from future problems. Tree storm damage can look disastrous at first sight, but tree owners can take steps to bring everything back to its best.

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