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Results for Holiday Accommodation in Port Elizabeth

Korsten, Port Elizabeth
Since 1986, we have been developing a unique strategy that addresses the development of the communities we serve. We follow a holistic approach towards the development of people, while applying resources that ensure the successful and susta ...show more
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Bluewater Bay, Port Elizabeth
Lovely 3 bedroom self catering unit in secure complex. ...show more
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Walmer, Port Elizabeth
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Kamma Ridge, Port Elizabeth
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Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
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Newton Park, Port Elizabeth
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Parkside, Port Elizabeth
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Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth
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Kabega Park, Port Elizabeth
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Need Holiday Accommodation & Self Catering Apartments in Port Elizabeth?

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  • Request for Holiday Accommodation & Self Catering Apartments I'm in need of accommodation, 35 rooms for 35 people including breakfast, lunc...