CMFS comprises of 2 directors, Mrs JMC Pretorius & Mr DS Venter, that saw a potential gap in the medical and financial services sector. Our company is situated in the heart of Potchefstroom, North West.
We provide a full service solution & aim to deliver a quality personal service in a competitive financial market; with recognition of a client’s requirements and financial realities when it comes to medical aids, gap cover, life insurance, car & home insurance, investments & other financial needs. Our client is king and family!
As consultants we have a responsibility to develop and maintain professional competence, render financial services with due care and diligence with an ongoing duty to maintain knowledge and skill at a level required to ensure that our clients and members receive professional service based on up-to-date developments in legislation and the financial services industry.
We satisfy the specific competency requirements of the FSB (Financial Services Board) and CMS (Council for Medical Schemes). We have the necessary experience, relevant qualifications and have completed all required regulatory examinations.
Services Provided
Work Focus